I've admired the fields in Suffolk since we moved here. A strange obsession to have I know but the fields round here change so much and have so many different things growing in them throughout the year. I know that sounds obvious but to a Wiltshire lass where we have a lot more cows munching on boring old grass it does make quite a change. The prettiest crop I've seen lately has been a huge field of sunflowers - so Provence! But we've had poppies, lavendar and of course gorgeous fields of corn.
Anyway... I thought it would be a nice idea to take a photo of the same field every month for a year and see how much they change. So I roped in the lovely
www.spudballoo.com and suddenly we had set ourselves a challenge. The only thing is... she is VERY good at taking photos and I am not. However, I shall try not to let this put me off and will treat it as a good reason to finally learn how to use my camera properly.
We decided that the photo should be taken from the same vantage point in the first week of each month. But there are no other rules than that. Suddenly I wanted to find the perfect field that would a) look nice b) provide monthly variety and c) be somewhere nearby so that I could easily fit it into the children/work schedule. It was like trying to find the impossible pair of winter boots - the one that's good for all occassions. It doesn't exist. So, I've cheated and chosen two fields. Both very close to each other (between Snape and Blaxhall en route to nursery and work) but one is (hopefully) quite pretty and the other will be (hopefully) quite busy. So here you have them, pretty and busy.
The Pretty Field: August 2010

The Busy Field: August 2010

Well, if nothing else it will get me blogging... at least once a month anyway!
P.s - due to the fact that
www.spudballoo.com had to spend lots of her time sorting out some AMAZING christening photos for me she hasn't managed to take her photo yet, I'll let you know when she does!